Sunday, 4 September 2016

Holiday 2016 ~ Lizzie's moment

Leaving Caerphilly and the dragon, we followed our route and our next stop was at Port Talbot. You're probably questioning yourself why and if I told you the truth why I had chosen Port Talbot for our next sleep over... well, it has to do something connected with my work and that's all I'm going to say about it.

Seeing what we wanted to see - until the night fall, we wondered what to do next and although I knew that very close to Port Talbot is settled another great estate, I didn't mention this to my OH. 

But then back in our hotel room, he found it on the internet. Of course I jumped at the proposal that we go and visit the place. Although it was quite late in the afternoon, we still managed to scoot around it.

Coming in at the entrance, the first thing that caught my interest were the Orangery and the ruins of a chapel or church close by. 

I like the ancient places so of course I just had to enter it and my daughter followed. After coming out we realised that my OH took our son and walked around the park  keeping to the gravel paths, where there were no steps. OH simply hates them. 

And then it happened - my Lizzie's moment. You know - from Pride and Prejudice? 
To tell the truth. I love Pride and Prejudice. The book, the series - especially BBC's 1995 one, the movies. 
Although the 'lake scene' is/was memorable, the one I just couldn't thought it might ring true was the scene when Lizzie sees Pemberly for the fist time. 
You know, this one.
Watch only the beginning - about 18 sec.: 

Yes, exactly this happened to me, when I came out of the ruins. I looked up and followed the path straight on. The path my OH and son didn't take… and I saw this!

I stood there and I just couldn't stop a laugh from escaping. Loud. The only thing different was; I couldn't stop so quickly as Lizzie did and I couldn't look away either. Finally my daughter came to me and asked:

"Is everything OK with you, Mum?"
Only then I forced myself to stop laughing although deep down in me, I still did. We walked the path straight forward. I wanted to see it up close as soon as possible. 
Unfortunately we were too late to do the complete tour, although it's worth fully exploring.

But to be honest - I had my moment there. The one I'm never going to forget for sure. 
And there is always hope, someday I'll be back again.

Copyright Notice: 
All the photos in this blog post are taken by me or my family. Without the permission of me (my family) no use or reproduction of this photos can be made.

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